Welcome to my World

  • Hi my name is Michelle Van Etten. I am self diagnosed Scrapaholic Mixed Media Artist. I travel the world inspiring other to come to the darkside and release their inner artist. Here I will share a little piece of my chaotic world. Thank you for stopping by Have a Scrappy Day
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    « Twilight Inspired | Main | Christmas in July Blog Hop....... »

    May 26, 2010


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    Jess @ silk flowers

    great video and I think yours turned out really really well so don't worry. Feel better about your day because it was productive!


    Jes thank you so much it was just one of those kind of days.

    At Home Screen Printing

    Nice information, I really appreciate the way you presented.


    Oh my gosh, that is darling!

    Sacramento Screen Printing

    I am very passionate about wearing designer clothes. I heard from my friend about Sacramento Screen Printing that this looks so beautiful in our clothes. Can anyone send me some designs of this printing?

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