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  • Hi my name is Michelle Van Etten. I am self diagnosed Scrapaholic Mixed Media Artist. I travel the world inspiring other to come to the darkside and release their inner artist. Here I will share a little piece of my chaotic world. Thank you for stopping by Have a Scrappy Day
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    June 08, 2009


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    pam hooten

    LOL, I bet it was yummy though!!
    Great page, love all the layering!!

    Heidi Blankenship

    Michelle, great story about your mom's BDay cake! LOL!! Love your LO!! Love all of the layers and embellishments and the bling too!

     Linda Duke

    Michelle, the story about your mom is wonderful.. your layout is beautiful, I'm sure she will love this. Linda Duke

    Viv (VivLyn)

    This is so cute and so is the story! Great job!!

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