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  • Hi my name is Michelle Van Etten. I am self diagnosed Scrapaholic Mixed Media Artist. I travel the world inspiring other to come to the darkside and release their inner artist. Here I will share a little piece of my chaotic world. Thank you for stopping by Have a Scrappy Day
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    « So it is 10:30 and I am sitting at the airport Paris and Rome here I come... | Main | I am back wow what a couple of weeks I have had... »

    October 16, 2008


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    Hanna Heigre

    Hi Michelle,
    It was so nice meeting you in Versailles. I loved your classes. I hope you didn't have to much trouble on Sunday morning after the wine session with us Norwegian girls on Saturday night. I heard some rumours that the doorman at your hotell was not to happy that we had kept you out after twelve? Our doorman was as cranky as they come, but at least he let us back in when we came back (he did not even look us in the eye though, maybe we disturbed his sleeping behind the receptionists counter?).
    I hope you have a wonderful time in Italy! I know everyone who attends your classes will!


    Hei my Primadonna !

    You rock to girl . And I loved your classes in Versailles. I realy hope to se you in Norway. Your energy is to good to be true.We have to keep in touch. Take care and dont take it slow.

    Tonya M

    Hi Michelle! I can tell you are having a FABULOUS time! I hope you'll post a few photos on your blog. I think your plan to get your baby girl a doll from each country ou visit is the best!! Have fun!


    I can only imagine how cool Italy is, I wish I were there too! And of course you can use the pics from my blog, sorry they are small, I'm too lazy to upload larger versions.
    Hope you find the french doll, I'm looking forward to see pics :-D


    Hi Michelle.
    Still thinking of the all the fun we had in Paris, the event, your classes and the evning at our hotel. Hope you are good, and it sure sounds like that. I envy you the Italian food course I could die for some Italian ice cream now. Hope I see you here in Norway next year.

    Zia Marcy from Italy

    Hi Michelle, thanks for all the fun we had in Castelnuovo di Porto and of course for the classes !! Hope to meet you again

    Denise Laborde

    Hi there! You're still globe-trotting?!?! Ok, waiting to see some Paris photos! Bises, Denise


    Hey Michelle! Remember me? Versailles? Late night dinner? Escargots? Yup, that's me. :) How are you doing? Great to read your blog on your updates for Italy. Sounds like you're having a blast. I tried going to the website to have a lookie at the kit but it's all in Italian. :( Is it a different class from that you taught at PAC? If so, I may be interested. bwahahaha!! Of course, I have YET to complete my Dude album as well as the layouts from the other class. But well, I'll get to it someday. I miss you and all your energy!! Hope to hear from you soon!!! :)

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