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  • Hi my name is Michelle Van Etten. I am self diagnosed Scrapaholic Mixed Media Artist. I travel the world inspiring other to come to the darkside and release their inner artist. Here I will share a little piece of my chaotic world. Thank you for stopping by Have a Scrappy Day
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    « Reflections that is what today is all about... | Main | My Normal Supply List for Most Classes and Some Cute Pics of my Princess. »

    September 14, 2008


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    Michelle, I'm looking forward to meeting you in the next week or so. I live in Charleston, SC. I am looking forward to taking one of your classes. Since I don't know how much they will be, I'm pretty sure I will only be able to take one class. I just can't decide which one. I'm thinking the Journal class, as I do usa a Journal almost daily. And I have one just for scrapping. I am amazed at how journaling about scrapping can help me be soooo creative. Anyway, I'll decide by the time I have to register. Thanks for coming to our town and our little shop! Jessica

    Carola Surink

    Hi Michelle,

    I've only just discovered your blog. Love your work, and I'm very much looking forward to doing your classes at Scrap-a-Ganza in the Netherlands in November.

    How it's done in Amerika, I don't know, but here in Holland after I've sent out birthday invitations, I try to see the parents at school or elsewhere and ask them (quite casually) if they are coming. Parents that I don't see, I will just call and ask if their kids will be coming. But overhere the kids usually give the invitations to their friends, so you never know if the invitation makes it to their parents.



    Hi Michelle. Your little James is just precious & I'm sorry for the worry you are having about his party! I understand & I would feel the same way! Last year my daughter was in kindergarten & her classmates' parents did not RSVP until very late for her birthday party ~ a couple even called THE DAY BEFORE the party! I was amazed but thought maybe that's the way it is now. **About James' 6th birthday party ... if I were you, I'd do it all. I would send reminders to his current classmates' parents & also contact parents of last years' classmates to see if they can come. Also, are there any kids he takes karate with whom he might want at his party? Most people are so busy these days that even if you invite all of those children, I bet you'd end up with a good size party (not too big). I wish you the best of luck & James the best 6th birthday a little boy can have!!!!! I will be thrilled to meet you in Charleston! I'm taking 4 of your classes & feel so honored to have this opportunity! I can hardly wait to meet you & to make those gorgeous projects ~ I saw the samples Saturday at The Pink House. :)


    We are in an age where folks just DON'T RSVP. You may just have to call and ask! I hope things work out well. If all else fails and no one's coming, simply take your kiddo to a really public place and shower him with affection. He is young and won't remember!

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