Welcome to my World

  • Hi my name is Michelle Van Etten. I am self diagnosed Scrapaholic Mixed Media Artist. I travel the world inspiring other to come to the darkside and release their inner artist. Here I will share a little piece of my chaotic world. Thank you for stopping by Have a Scrappy Day
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    « A Special Invitation for You... | Main | Tattered Angels Rocks and I am so lucky to be on their Design Team. »

    September 08, 2008


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    Julie Ann Shahin

    Hey you! I LOVE the avatar, is it new??? You look great!!!!!!! The class looks so fun. Did I ask you if you are near Gainesville? We are coming out for a vacay in early December and traveling around the state. I want to go to Fork De Soto Park on the Gulf too.

    Julie Ann Shahin

    I mean Fort not Fork.


    Soooo looking forward to having you at The Pink House. This layout looks great!

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